Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pop the cork!!

    I want to celebrate a little....

     Officially, this is my very first blog.  Ever.  EVER.  Ok, that is, unless you count Myspace or Onlinejournal or FaceBook.  If you don't count those, then this is my first blog ever!  I have to admit, I would have liked to jump on the bandwagon of bloggers sooner, but it wasn't to be...
     I am excited to finally drag my reluctant fingers to the keyboard and start something I have been thinking about for the last several years.  ( I suppose having an infant who was actually born with velcro on his body, assuring a never-to-be-broken-connection to me could have put a pause on all that ).  Now that the aforementioned velcro has started falling off on its own, I picture oodles and oodles of ME time!  Maybe even 15 whole minutes!
     Of course it would coincide with a recent injury to my right hand, specifically my thumb.  One really does forget to be thankful for their thumbs.  They are powerful little digits that are sorely missed when recuperating from some idiotic, accidental screw-up by moi.  "Sprained" is such a vague term; demonstrating only what state of injury you have currently put a body part into.  It doesn't do justice to the juicy details of how one sprains their thumb.  Let's just say, when I did this...I mentally and physically recoiled from the sight of what a thumb just naturally should NOT do! *shudder*
     Even through the "blight on the right" I contend with these days, I was determined not to be thwarted in my goal of blogging.  So what if I have to type one-handed?  Some people type with their noses and I should be thankful that I have my left hand to type with!

     Ohkaaaay, on with my blogging...

     I love the internet.  I don't watch much TV but I can Google like a rockstar!
(Do rockstars even google?-they pay someone for that, right?)  So mix that love with a love of art and design, planning events, friendly gatherings and tada!... you get my desire to blog about them.
     I am joining the multitudes of bloggers online that blog/post all their passions and unique creations, largely because I feel so at home reading their blogs and seeing what they invent.  I know they'll understand me, though honestly I feel somewhat intimidated, being a newbie and all.  How do you make your blog so awesome?  That is my ultimate goal, learning the nuances of blogging and getting out there to share with so many others.

       I plan to start with the party planning & decorating side of my brain; it's just so much fun!  However, I have quite a few varied life interests, and I love learning new things. Who knows what will be added in the future!  Party we come!

     To any and all who stumble upon this baby blog, wish me luck and the best of luck to you!

     Anna Banana